Little Deaths
In this series, from 2006, Ms. West explores the female experience, memory, and their connection to the theme of death. From images of old neighborhood homes to an aging grandmother, a young soon to be mother and a deceased family cat, Little Deaths takes the macabre and sentimentality out of the subject matter and instead imbues it with a contemporary awareness. Whether it is through the death of adolescence, innocence or a particular gender normative role, Ms. West pushes the boundaries of modern feminist theory through her razor-sharp large-format photographs.
Anna at her Shower, 2006
The Buckheisters’, 2006
Basement Camellias, 2006
Gracie #2, 2006
Gracie #1, 2006
Jewell, 2006
Miss Mamie’s, 2006
Gracie #4, 2006
Princess in Peril #1, 2006
Princess in Peril #2, 2006
The Massey’s, 2006
The Westmorelands’ 2006